


Improved Text Search

Hey everyone,

we just added photos, videos and blogposts to the text search (in the top right corner).

If you search for e.g. "sexy" you can now switch between the content you're looking for:


Have fun,


  • Horny_01: @fuckbook..... Thanks.
  • Horny_01: However can u see if chat is messed up ?????
  • Horny_01: @hotrodlovespussies.... I think they fucked something up when they fixed the radius slider in the search ..... Also the chat is fucked up. If you have more than three chat windows up, they will disappear, and I gave to close out of fuckbook and come back in and they will be there. I just wish that they would start testing things in development or testing server before they go live. It would cut down in a lot of issues when it goes live.
  • Horny_01: @fuckbook.... Explain to me why I have friends showing online (in friends list) in the Jefferson City area, however they don't show up in the members online (on the members tab)... In fact the first one that show up in the members tab is in ST.LOUIS area, none in Jeff city, or other friends that are showing on the friends list as being on line in the columbia missouri area. What ever you fucked up this time..... FIX IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Support: @Horny_01 can you tell us some of the usernames that do not show up as online?
  • Horny_01: @fuckbok.... Sexylilred69 (linn mo) shows in my friends list, but no where In the members online. Since you have fixed the radius slider, I have anywhere from 8 - 11 or more friends that show online but they don't appear in the members online (members tab) So please what ever you messed up, fix it,....
  • Horny_01: Also while you are at it.... Fix the chat issue, when I have more than three chat windows active they disappear, and I have to log off then ba k on before they will appear again,... I am tired of all the issues. I don't know if it is just me or others are experiencing the same thing, but it is annoying as hell..... An I am really starting to get … off...!!!!!
  • Support: @Horny_01: chat has been fixed and should work now without problems.
  • Horny_01: @fuckbook..... Nope not fixed!!!!! ... To test this I opened three chat windows, as soon as I opened the third one , the first one I opened disappeared, I closed down the second one thinking the first might reappear .... And it didn't, I had to log off and back on again to get the first one to appear,..... Please test stuff before saying it is fixed...!!!!!!!!!
  • Support: @Horny_01 I see your using an iPhone - the reason is there's not more space available for more than 2 or 3 chat windows if you hold the phone vertically. As a workaround you might rotate the phone into landscape mode.
    We are working on making some more space available so that even in vertical mode you can have more chats open.
    Also if someone writes you back in a not-visible chat it will pop up again!
  • Horny_01: @fuckbook..... Thank you, however I have issue with vertical mode. Sometimes when I flip it back to horizontal mode, everything is very tiny (not readable) and again I have to log off, clear the cache, then log back on again to get it back to normal. I don't think up realize how irritating this is..... Thanks but I think I will wait for the fix and not the band-aid approach .....
  • Support: @horny_01 you should be able to have at least 4 chats open on the iphone in vertical mode!
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